Some of my current Brand/Choices, that help me get through the workouts & to perform, whilst reinforcing the Great diet & Recovery/healing process....
"My last Supps delivered from Iherb in Cali =D (My reasons for taking are in brackets),
After all health benefits from Supplement insurance,
These are my tried & true's (Click Titles to go straight to Iherb page to get a discount),
Will be posting basic research summary of Superfood supplements, in time"
- Amino's ~ BCAA's
- Lipids ~ CCnut (Coconut) Oil Extra Virgin, Flax Oil Capsules
- Minerals ~ Calcium Magnesium Complex
- Metabolite/Botanical Ergogenics ~ Super Enzymes Digestive, Caffeine Tabs, Cayenne Capsules
- Vitamins ~ Vitamin C Time Release, Biotin Tabs, B6 Tabs
- Freebee :) ~ Book to pull apart "Stress, Anxiety & Insomnia"
Vitamins ~ Vitamin C Time Release (Natural Factors Vitamin C 1000 mg Time Release over 8 hours, includes Rosehips - Collagen health, Antioxidant & Capillary strength)
...Freebee :) ~ Book to pull apart "Stress, Anxiety & Insomnia" On my pile of books to read n Review, Cannot wait... |
Lipid ~ CCnut (Coconut) Oil Extra Virgin (Source Naturals Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Medium Chain 14 g Fat per Tbsp - Dietary Medium chain & Ayurvedic Lipid, ) |
Lipid ~ Flax Oil Capsules (Natures Way Flax Oil High Potency Cold Pressed 57% ALA 1300 mg) Kept in the fridge... |
...I consume Flax-meal daily but additional 3's in this form really help bump up their intake, I get much leaner results like this =D |
Minerals ~ Calcium Magnesium Complex (Country Life Calcium Magnesium Complex 1000 : 500 mg with 500 mg Phosphorus - Bone health critical for me for healing of operated & remodelled sutured bone... Will take a year to fully heal Nov 21 2013) |
Amino's ~ BCAA's (NOW sports Branched Chain Amino Acid Powder PURE 2.5: 1.25: 1.25g - Growth & repair of Muscle tissues, Energy - especially around Weight sessions) |
...There's more to the line up ;) |
Metabolite/Botanical Ergogenics ~ Caffeine Tabs cycled (Prolab Caffeine Tabs 200 mg caffeine for Energy, Focus, Endurance, Fatigue reduction & overall psyche/physical performance - Equivalent to a cup of Joe!) |
Vitamins ~ Vitamin B6 Tabs (Natural Factors B6 Pyridoxine HCI plus 50 mg Vitamin C anchor - Nervous & Immune System) |
Vitamins ~ Vitamin B Biotin Tabs (Natrol Biotin 10,000 mcg Maximum strength - Healthy hair, Nails & Energy production) |
Metabolite/Botanical Ergogenics ~ Super Enzymes Digestive (NOW Super Enzymes Capsules with Betaine, Pancreatin 4x, Cholic Acid, Bromelain from Pineapple, Pepsin from Papaya & Pepsin Powder - Optimize Nutrient uptake through breakdown of fats, carbs & protein for max as-simulation, coupled with Good bacteria in diet really makes use of everything I put in) I really recommend you guys who consume large amounts of protein to always take a good natural broad range super enzyme for there's no point if all that proteins not absorbed/utilized.. |
Metabolite/Botanical Ergogenics ~ Cayenne Capsules (NOW Cayenne capsules 500 mg 40,000 heat units Capsicum frutescens - Healthy digestive function & cardiovascular health, also my fav thermogene that works a treat with caffeine in diet for fat loss... Why pay for it in a Fat loss pill at 10 to 15 times more in cost with all the other added junk & chemicals? |
...Happy days, Happy gains XxX |