20 Mar 2013

Superpantry ~ Maple n Spice

Superfood Superpantry 


...My last Grocery Shop from our local Ethnic store in Brunswick
...After all health depth needs a diverse pantry, fridge CONTENT...
...Will be posting basic research summary of superfoods, in time 

(Dare to expand taste-buds & Improve health n Vitality)

Beans ~ Adzuki
Fruits ~ Currants, Sultanas
Grains ~ Rice puffed
Protein PURE ~ Fresh Farm Eggs
Seeds ~ Flaxseeds (Linseeds)
Spices ~ Pepper white, Pepper black, Mustard seeds, Mustard seeds brown, Pepper Cayenne, Cumin, Cinnamon ground, Cloves ground, Ginger ground
Sweeteners ~ PURE Maple Syrup Canadian

(PS..... Pancakes with CCNut flour tomorrow I thinks +D plus Maple, Cinnamon n PURE butter of course...)


Looky Loo... Here comes the mirror & camera Hog =D ...I seriously don't know were she gets this from?
Buying bulk saves allot of money & time in the long run...
I always do on kitchen staples... 

...Especially on Spices n herbs...

...Herbs n Spices are our ancestral medicine cabinet & superfood...

...They're literally a calorie free way to add flavour...

...Fun & COLOUR

...Some Spices n Herbs, even assist in Fat loss & muscle gain...

...Whilst others stimulate the psyche...

...While others calm it...
Spice ~ Mustard seeds brown...
Did you know? Mustard seeds are mentioned in ancient Sanskrit (basis of yogic practice) writings dating back about 5,000 years ago...
...Brown mustard (actually dark yellow in color) has a pungent acrid taste and is the type used to make Dijon mustard
...These seeds are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, phosphorus, and tryptophan...

Spice ~ Mustard seeds White...

Did you know?  Greek & Roman civilizations, including the father of medicine Hippocrates, used mustard seed medicinally

These White mustard seeds (Yellow in color) are the most mild and are tused to make American yellow mustard...

These awesome seeds also have an... Anti-Inflammatory Effects from the Selenium and Magnesium they contain

Spice ~ Ginger ground...

...The underground rhizome of the ginger plant with a firm, striated texture.... Plus next to my favourite cinnamon, this would have to be my other daily spice!!

The flesh of the ginger rhizome can actually be yellow, white or red in colour, depending upon the variety... Is Safe and Effective Relief of Nausea and Vomiting & a natural Anti-Inflammatory 

Spice ~ Pepper Cayenne...

...Is a member of the Capsicum family of vegetables, which are more commonly known as chili peppers (botanically Capsicum annuum - added to allot of fat burners on the market for their thermogenic properties)

... Cayenne has been shown to reduce blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation, while increasing the body's ability to dissolve fibrin, a substance integral to the formation of blood clots...

...I don't just add mine to dishes, I also take this spice in a capsule form when I want to lean up or stay warm in the winter months... but also all year round for I love the digestive assistance they give (No point of super food if you dont digest & absorb them efficiently! :)

Fruit ~ Sultanas... (I use to sweeten dishes) Essentially a type of Raisin made by drying grapes...

...As in grapes, Sultanas/raisins also contain phytochemical compound resveratrol

Resveratrol, a polyphenol anti-oxidant, has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, blood cholesterol lowering activities. Studies suggest that resveratrol has been found to have protective action against cancers like melanoma, colon and prostate, and diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD), degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease and viral/ fungal infections.

Fruit ~ Currants... (I use to sweeten dishes) actually a type of grape again :)

Are you feeling spicy yet ;p

My pretty tower of taste & health...

...I've also found over the decades that clients who want to cut down
on their table salt intake, find the transition easier when they
discover & or utilize Spices :)

Can you guess what these guys are?


Spice ~ Pepper black...

Did you know? That peppercorns are actually dried berries & were Once used as currency and presented to the gods as a sacred offering...

...Black pepper may also Improve Digestion and Promote Intestinal Health...

Spice ~ Cumin...

...Cumin is nutty, peppery in flavor to chili and other Mexican and Tex-Mex dishes as well playing an important role in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine where it is a key component of curry powder...

Cumin is actually a good source of iron & is t
raditionally noted to be of benefit to the digestive system...
Spice ~ Cloves ground...
...cloves are an excellent source of manganese, & good source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin K, dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium & magnesium

Cloves contain a variety of flavanoids & 
Eugenol, the primary component of clove's volatile oils, functions as an anti-inflammatory substance
Spice ~ Cinnamon ground...
Did you Know? Seasoning a high carb food with cinnamon can help lessen impact on blood sugar levels. Cinnamon slows the rate at which the stomach empties after meals, reducing the rise in blood sugar after eating. So Cinnamon on Oatmeal or pancakes is not such a bad idea after all!!

Smells Good enough to eat????
...Research led by Dr. P. Zoladz and presented April 24, 2004, at the annual meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, in Sarasota, FL, found that chewing cinnamon flavored gum or just smelling cinnamon enhanced study participants' cognitive processing!!
Spices ~ Pepper white... (The inside of the pepper berry processed only)
White pepper actually stimulates the taste buds in a way that an alert is sent to the stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretion, thereby improving digestion...

...This spice has also long been recognized as a carminitive, a substance that helps prevent the formation of intestinal gas...


Seeds ~ Flaxseeds (Linseeds)...

High in Omega 3s the ALA in flaxseed has also been found to be stable for at least 3 hours of cooking at oven temperatures (approximately 300F/150C)...

Protein PURE ~ Fresh Farm Eggs...

Eggs are the most Anabolic sources of protein naturally available :)

Think beyond plain brown rice & have fun with puffed Brown rice...

Grain ~ Rice puffed...

Pretty Colours of nature...

Beans ~ Adzuki...

This Japanese bean is my fav :) esp when detoxing, jst 1/4 cup of cooked adzuki beans contains 100% of the recommended daily intake of molybdenum, a trace mineral that produces the enzyme sulfite oxidase - crucial for liver detoxification...

Sweetener ~ PURE Maple Syrup Canadian

YUMMO (check for added cane sugar - it must be PURE!)

Did you Know? higher concentration of minerals than honey

...Maple syrup is an excellent source of the trace mineral manganese, not just a excellent pancake coat =D
I hope you had fun with today's entry, it certainly was for me to write & reminisce about my love for Maple n Spice XxX...

VERY Important NOTE: please always refer to a Nutritionist or Specialist in Nutrition to prescribe quantities & Dietary changes for specific outcomes. NOT a GP or Personal trainer, the realm of science is broad & varied & takes years of study (that never ends I may add) to understand a single branch of its complexities. Thus, criticale for the safe application/recommendation to specific individual unique. 

Some Nutrients/Supps mentioned, are available from IHerb
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