19 Jan 2014

'MRI Hip 02 RT and LT Both (14 months post RT Hip surgery, 24 months post collision)'

After 2 months of progressive worsening of the Left hip/side coupled with swelling of RT Hip not diminishing any further horizontally again. I made a visit to my GP demanding an MRI of both hips. This isn't good enough. I had done everything asked and as a health professional I know some-things wrong still.

You get so fed up of medical professionals not listening when you know this isn't right. The really annoying comments I get is 'But you look beautiful and your young' when I state the swelling/bruising ad discomfort.

I've even had a professional say 'The red inflamed bruising (Blue in some areas) could just be fat' (By the way when I put fat on it goes to my butt not side of my hips - never has)

... So armed with the MRI request and speedy approval of the TAC to action one (Thank-you my TAC case manager who I changed to mid last year has been so prompt and thorough - so appreciated) 

I expected some bursitis on the LT side but was extremely upset when I saw the MRI results that night. It looks like another surgery in the very least including the LT Labrum Arthroscope repair on the side now. MRI 02 Bi Lateral Hip results below...

I strongly feel, it should of been my surgeon to request this MRI and that he hasn't been taking me seriously. I really don't want to go back to this surgeon and will now have to see another for a battle plan of attack going forward. I'm also going to look into enlisting an osteopath with the TACs assistance. Between the osteopath and another surgeon I hope to finally limit, reduce swelling bruising. Secondly prepare and train for surgery with putting rehab to bed in a much speedier and expected fashion should things be done and followed up right this time. I've lost 2 years of my life thus far and it looks like year 3 will still present these hurdles/challenges.

Below are letters regarding the outcome of MRI and my non previously/op LT side/Hip and referral for another Surgeon. I have also asked the GP to get the former surgeon who operated the RT hip for input out of professional courtesy. But seriously I'm way to angry to face that surgeon. Things don't always go as planned but when things are prolonged and not treated promptly because you feel like you haven't been taken seriously 'That's just something else' and has very well contributed to the loss of health to my LT Hip.

had some real concerns and Once I've got a draft plan with an osteopath (Hopefully by the end of this week) I will let you guys know. Then it's hunting for a good hip surgeon again. I'm also icing, opening hip range progression gently, massaging glutes and retraining gait in walking again right now. Not doing anything as recommended by the former surgeon has made insanely worse. I feel a little better with gradual improvements which I will take for now. Want to be as prepared and strong as I can before another surgery not like last time wherein I was forced to atrophy for 10 months on crutches. 

One good note is that I'm finally getting my neck injected by a plastic surgeon Feb the 1st (A week away) Which means the whiplash C1/C2 will finally be relaxed for the first time in two years. giving me a window to apply my pilates instructor Matt work then finally rebuild progressively back to my back/shoulder pre collusion strength and glory : D 

... Thank-you, Don't forget to follow
This post is from Chapter 19 -
My Post Collusion Journey 'Power to Loss & Back again' (Link)
In powerful health XxX, Some Related Post Links Below;  

29/10/13 Rehab Annoyance 'Surgeons Letter - RE swelling/discomfort/Still visible 2014'

16/08/13 Rehab/Progress 'Rheumatologist Report - Swollen all 21013 discomfort/Still visible 2014'

12/01/14 Rehab/Update 'Strapping 3rd cortisone LT Hip aggravation

10/07/12 MRI RT Hip 01

(4 months RT Hip post collision)'

28/08/12 Rehab/Update   

'Pre Injury Post surgery Progress'



