12 Jan 2014

'Strapping, more cortisone and aggravation of LT leg/hip'

My goal previous 11 month post surgery Nov last year -
'To completely resolve the swelling inflammation of smashed then operated hip/glute by Jan Feb 2014, progress' I was side lined, post cortisone for 4 to 6 weeks with walking even limited for 10 minutes. I also cannot fully rehab/load actual glute hip until all swelling's resided.

Before my 3rd cortisone shot into the Greater Trochanter Bursa Operated R side I started strapping the bruised Glute for diagnosed Glute tendinopathy. I've included a pic of the bruising below. 
... Bruising of injured/operated Glute R side, sorry bad lighting, its black, close up red brown on the left. This is preventing my physio from doing work on my glute, it's still healing 22 months post collusion and the Ultra sound in
November last year shows fluid throughout the glute tendons STILL, exactly were the visible bruising is

... I've included a pic of the strapping and intend to show how to do it later this week. 

... You can still see the bruising on Glute 3 days post cortisone. Latter to be expected. But seriously I don't want another cortisone again. I had them before surgery when I was on crutches for 13 months inc post surgery 2 months. The Vertical swelling/hip hinge was drastically reduced but horizontally still an issue (Band-aide left on a week from the Bursa injected site surgery scars to the left of band aide)

The injured/operated hip swelling had been hitched up higher than my left side by 3 inches since the attack I sustained on the road 22 months ago (nearly 2 years) Its still hiytched up by about 1/2 -1cm but greatly improved albeit the horizontal swelling is still an inch out/visible, distorting the shape of the hip, not to mention still uncomfortable. Glute Med on this side is still bruised but SLOWLY residing. Obviously still cant rehabilitate it because of this.

The real upsetting/pain full... 3 days after the cortisone my non operated L hip/leg crunched badly whilst standing. The swelling of the operated/injected side diminished greatly, enough to allow the operated hip to drop back down by 3 inches. Bruising of the Left non operated hip Greater trochanter bruising a swelling within 24 hours of the crunching after operated side realigned back to a closer norm
... The deep red bruising is smack bang on the Greater trochanter, radiating heat and swelling out from the area, cannot even lay down on this side on the floor now. It has been 13 months post since the major surgery on the other (R) side. To still have issues, swelling, bruising on the op (R) side and now non operated side due to overloading/compensation and sudden other side realignment/post swelling reduction is not good enough. Both hips have different vertical aligned swelling/bruising now. Looks deformed, is uncomfortable.

Tuesday 14th I'm going in for another MRI of BOTH hips this time. We need to know what the hell is going on. I'm suspected both Greater trochanters are swollen from the alignment issues stemming from the R Glute tendinopathy bruising, swelling that's taking forever to heal (remember we're 22 months post collusion attack and 13 months post major hip joint surgery) 

But am a little anxious about the work that was done in the mentioned surgery. I can still feel one of the anchors screwed into the bone (anterior aspect/labrum) within less than normal range of movement and cannot sit on normal chairs for long periods because of it (no more than a couple of minutes) This MRI (Hooray approved by TAC) will give us a clear picture of the glutes/hips and surgery done. From there we can reset goals and draw up a battle plan based on the visual diagnostics. I do have a Mesocyclic plan drawn up - which I'll share once I get the results. So hoping nothing is wrong with the surgical work done - I really don't want another surgery. 

Especially since I've done everything asked of me and some including not walking for more than 10 minute stretches. Extremely hard to do after 22 months of non automatic ability with 13 months of crutches in the first part. I just want to sprint and run to stretch my legs. 

Next week will blog, how to strap Glute and draft of my mesocyclic/periodized rehab plan from Dec gone to June this year - pretty conservative. Fingers crossed, thanks for following and your support. We'll get there it's just frustrating how much time hence my life it's taking.

... Thank-you, Don't forget to follow
This post is from Chapter 19 -
My Post Collusion Journey 'Power to Loss & Back again' (Link)
In powerful health XxX, Some Related Post Links Below;



