19 Jan 2014

'MRI Hip 01 RT (4 months RT Hip post collision)'

Actual 1st Post Collision MRI Results 10th July 2012 of Right Hip (4 months RT Hip post collision)

After being rammed side on off my bicycle on the bike path March 2012 - I couldn't feel my RT leg fully along with RT Knee confirmed Grade II injury Lateral aspect) I couldn't control or walk with a normal gait being reduced to crutches. Acutely swollen, I had described the road attack accounts (side of Taxi chassis/passenger door contacting the RT side of my Hip/Glute, Knee/Tib/Fib deliberately on impact) to various initial medical professionals (bar my long term GP).

They seemed to be only concerned with my knee and the Emergency ward of the hospital only X rayed my knee on the day of collision. I was convulsing and couldn't feel/felt disconnected from my R Leg/Hip. 

I was told by a sports physician who was also a hip surgeon at the time 'If something was wrong with my hip/leg - I'd be unable to carry a conversation' 'MRIs cost allot and he couldn't justify or give enough reason to request the TAC (Transport Authority Commission) to fund the MRI therefore'

He therefore mis-diagnosed me with CRPS or Regional Pain Syndrome, without any Imaging of the Upper leg/hip to rule out real underlying pathology. I was recommended to another GP and a Physio who both specialized in Regional Pain Syndrome together. I was then treated and forced to undergo physical therapy which exasperated pain and swelling of hip, being told on numerous occasions 'The hip pain is in my head and if I don't push through it I will never recover' I lost count, the amount of times I just collapsed to the floor after being forced to squat/use my hip joint in which we found out later on was fragmented/damaged.

I was even discouraged from crutch use and told not use crutches, despite inability to flex from RT Hip/walk. 4 months post collision I collapsed on the street but this time my RT hip completely gave way, post physio treatment around the corner. I was so angry and frustrated continuing down this route against my gut feel as a highly trained athlete/fitness professional. I went back to the CRPS trained GP and demanded an MRI of my RT Hip.

After getting the severe and damaged Hip results, I sacked the lot from caring from me so to speak and went back to my long term local GP and found a surgeon. Results included weakened and tendinitis of the RT Glute/Bursa Greater Trochanter. I changed the Physio too and gained forearm crutches. Knowing logically, that real rehab couldn't start until the hip was fixed through surgical intervention. MRI images/findings below...

When request was finally granted for RT Hip Arthroscope ASAP by Surgeon to the TAC in July 2012 (4 months post collision) it was denied after the TACs medical board panel would only consider approval upon complying with hip joint injections and diary's . I went through 3, until my Lawyers finally leaned on the TAC for a yes or no to surgery. 

The Surgery finally happened 21st November 2012 (10 months post collision) in which it was found more damage was in the joint than even what the MRI showed. I had lost 75% of the attaching Ligamentum Teres.

Refer to link for Surgery/Report/Images - 'Before, After Surgery inside the hip Joint'

... Thank-you, Don't forget to follow
This post is from Chapter 19 -
My Post Collusion Journey 'Power to Loss & Back again' (Link)
In powerful health XxX, Some Related Post Links Below;



