29 Apr 2013

SuperSupps ~ Wonder Me & Yoda fuzzball

Supersups ~ Kelp, Cinn, Spinach, Guggles to Tribulus & CLA
Some of my current Brand/Choices, that help me get through the workouts & to perform, whilst reinforcing the Great diet & Recovery/healing process.... "My last Supps delivered from Iherb in Cali =D (My reasons for taking are in brackets)After all health benefits from Supplement insurance,These are my tried & true's (Click Titles to go straight to Iherb page to get a discount),Will be posting basic research summary of Superfood supplements, in time"
  • Amino's ~ HMB Capsules 
  • Lipids ~ Max CLA Capsules   
  • Minerals ~ Non today 
  • Metabolite/Botanical Ergogenics ~ Kelp Capsules, Cinnamon Bark Capsules, Octacosanol Capsules, Guggulsterones Tablets, Tribulus Tablets
  • Vitamins ~ B6 Tabs 100mg 
  • Support ~ B card from U know who & my Yoda Fuzzball  

... My B card from U know who...

... New delivery Supp line up, I like to sticker labels on top for easy aces in draws...

HA.. Early mayhem of clearing office, Ms Shalimar Fox was on Sniff detail LOLO...

All sniffed out...

I think she looks like Yoda :DD

Jst look at those ears!!

Think I'm bugging her now...

Don't know where Id be without the fuzz buckets squeezy cuddles :D

... The Card cover... Now Supp Time...

Metabolite/Botanical Ergogenics ~ Cinnamon Bark Capsules (Now Ceylon Cinnamon 600mg) I eat allot of the natural stuff daily but I do also like to cycle the capsule supp in sporadically depending on goals (Cinnamon has historically been used as a digestive aid & to promote other health benefits. Some recent research may suggest that it may assist on healthy lipid levels - good news for keeping lean. Cinnamon also packs antioxidants & may benefit cardiovascular function) 2 caps 2 x daily for me when I supp Cinnamon

Metabolite/Botanical Ergogenics ~ Kelp Capsules (NOW brand with 325 mcg of Natural Iodine & 150 mg of Dulse, which support Thyroid function) the Green superfood is vitamin rich with beneficial cell salts. Thyroid gland health affects the production of normal cellular metabolism hormones. Kelp is a great source of marine minerals inclusive of potassium, magnesium, calcium & iron. I take 1 a day with dinner when I cycle this supp.

Metabolite/Botanical Ergogenics ~ Tribulus Tablets (NOW brand 1000 mg with Min 45% Saponins) The supp may support hormone production & thus muscle growth/maintenance. Being a female means this is a must take natural supp to take when working hard to make gains in the weight room. I take 1 tab with Breakfast & 1 at Dinner.

Metabolite/Botanical Ergogenics ~ Octacosanol Capsules (NOW brand 5000 mcg essentially Spinach extract) I cycle this occasionally....

Metabolite/Botanical Ergogenics ~ Guggulsterones Tablets (Source Naturals brand with 37.5 mg per tablet) May support Cholesterol wellness, by acting at the farnesoid x receptor (FXR) to promote cholesterol to bile conversion. Thus supporting the livers cholesterol regulation by boosting Thyroid activity. I like to take 1 with 3 of my meals a day when leaning down.

Vitamins ~ B6 Tabs 100mg (Natural Factors B6 Pyridoxine HCI plus Vitamin C anchor - Nervous & Immune System, I usually have different strengths for differnt dose cycles depending on where I'm at in the training year)

Amino's ~ HMB Capsules (Twinlab brand with 1000 mg of HMB per 4 Capsule serve) Best known for anti-catabolic support to limit the bodys protein break down for healthier muscle cells & greater gym efforts. When pushing for gains/size I like to take 4 capsules 4 times a day.
Lipids ~ Max CLA Capsules (PrimaForce brand 1000 mg High Linleic Acid, Conjugated Linleic Acid 700 mg) A great anti-oxidant lipid that supports overall lipid profiles & health. I like taking 2 caps 2 times a day.

Yes, I think it does :D


I've just recently died my hair blue black 2 ....

Oh my girl...

Buenas Noches beautiful World XxX



