7 Apr 2013

Dietary ... Example to increase Your Veg Intake...

I average an intake of 9 cups of Veg DAILY...

It truly is quite easy to do... There's days where all I want is RAW veg all day, so I make a monster RAW veg salad & eat a third of it at a time with 3 of my 5 meals daily... However, one can be a sneaky veg Monster :DD.. I only spend around 30 minutes total daily cooking & prep-ping food for I feed up & shop & cook up in bulk, prep veg in bulk on the weekends... So, Here's my typical days food fare... 

Meal 1 (4/5 am) BTF

Sweet Baby Kale with sliced Carrot chunk Salad, 
Drizzled with Tamarin & topped with Eggs
....Soothed down with a Chocolate Chai Herbal Red Tea 
(= 2 Cups of Veg)

Meal 2 (8/9 am) MMT... After training
Cornbread Rosemary with Carrot topped in Sesamin
(= 1/2 Cup of Veg)
Meal 2 (8/9 am) MMT... After & Before training 
(I also have a BCAA cocktail whilst training)
Bracket Training with a couple of Choc Vanillan Shakes 

Meal 3 (11/12 pm) LT
Steak Slaw with Orange Yogurt Dressing V1.... Soothed down with a Skinny Latte (No froth)
(= 2 Cups of Veg)

Meal 4 (2/3 pm) MAT
Roasted Smokin Paprika Cauli Trees... On Baby Kale
(= 4 1/2 Cups of Veg)
Meal 4 (2/3 pm) MAT Continued...
Soothed down with a Blooming Tea... Starlight Rose White Tea...

Meal 5 (6/7 pm) DT & SNT...
Greek Carob Cream... with CCNut Swirl
(= 0 Cups of Veg)

There you go tada!!!! 
9 Cups of Veg!
Happy Dayz



