24 Apr 2013

Injury/Recovery to Date... Meso 02

After Surgery at The end of last year
plus the Surgical intervention Healing
plus various Training/Rehab observations
Over March to April This year... 
Hip/arthroscope sites

- Showing Femur head into Acetabulum rim of

pelvis - Anterior/Superior Aspect. The labrum

tissue was also severely damaged 

looking like cotton wool - 
had to be roped & anchored back on. 

Surgery took a long time to recover from & still to this day my Op side is still a little more tender to lay on (Hard flooring at this point) the non-op side. This is partly due to surgery being performed 10 months after the
break inflicted/collusion & also pro-longed mis/dis-use (Crutch usage the whole time) fighting the TAC with Lawyers for the approval of surgical intervention. Not to mention the earlier St Vincents Hospital/Treater's/Medicos not listening to me & Misdiagnosing my injuries.

Where am I at Rehab Training wise??

It will take the time it takes. I'm still healing recovering from the 7 leg ops in 1 (Via Arthroscope) performed November 21st 2012, but I'm progressing keep in mind I've permanently lost 75% of critical leg ligament (ligamentum teres - that little blue band you see in above Hip pic, holding the femur bone centre into the pelvis) & have suchur/anchor & rope in joints to heal around/buffer down with the psoas...

Hip joint (R)

I still feel the pain of hip, knee IT band but much better & improving daily :D weekly monthly :D Not quite able to walk full stride for more than 40 minutes without discomfort, but so much better. Pelvis is still unstable due to compounded dis/mis-use over the year previous & then surgical intervention/healing process. Glute muscles need to restrengthen & assist in the continued healing/realignment of Pelvis/Hip joint. Then there's the integrity of the PSOAS muscle major. Which also in turn pulls havoc at 

origin L4/L5

PSOAS - Early pathology showed a ganglin developed by
rubbing up on the fragmented broken hip joint.
Now repaired the PSOAS still needs to heal but is also
being used to buffer down the surgical intervention/work
done sutures. Feels like having extremely tight rubber
band strangling around hip joint at times, daily but
movement monitored contained is essential to
restorative range & strength of both this Pilates
keystone muscle & the Hip joint/integrity itself.
... For this reason alone I still cant squat, lunge or do alot of posterior focused compound movements, or do cardio. 
I feel a great lack of connection of muscle to movement plus discomfort. Hence why the proportion of efforts leaning to rehabilative/normal range/strength focus therein ON Glutes, Hamstrings, Posterior Core/Spine 

Knee Tib Fib grade II tears & major 
bone bruising
was amongst MRI findings,
with another MRI performed couple of weeks ago
STILL showing major bone bruising/edemia
but at least the tears have healed..

Knee tib/fib (R)

The knee cap/tib/fib (Lateral Aspect) 
showed that still 12 months later that the bones are still bruised through from the vehicle impact alone, but the grade 2 tears have at least healed...

... For this reason alone I still cant use the cross trainer & feel great discomfort in leg extensions & cycling, hence why the proportion of efforts leaning to rehabilative/normal range/strength focus therein ON 
Quadriceps, Calves/Shins 
Whiplash C1/C2 - basically neck/base of skull

Whiplash C1/C2

As I become more centred & vertical the pain vision distortion stiff neck is worsening (feels like its being left behind) Due to long term whiplash esp since it wasn't treated (treatment is critical in first 3 months of collusion/injury) There's nothing to be taken or done with it beyond trying to 
bring back through restorative function, hands on MYO therapy with physio & exercises/work

MRIs from this weekend gone has ruled out
sinister pathology of cervical/thoracic spine & my surgeon concluded the diagnoses of whiplash earlier this Tuesday.

For those who doesn't know what its like to train with long term whiplash (from impact a year ago) its like someone has peeled the skin away from your scalp all the time with swollen bumps throughout your skull & makes you feel like you've been drinking but you feel all the physical pain, it also plays with your vision & concentration/balance... The neck is always stiff regardless of what you do or take for its protecting the break... You always feel queezy/full too/red eyed lolo 

... For this reason alone I still cant do all traditional power lifting movements or rep out/build my traps & have to exercise extreme caution to never hyper-extend my neck beyond times of counter stretching. I feel great discomfort in neck/head/skull & show very red eyes allot of the time. I also get quite irritated with time wasters or silly behaviour for I have to really focus when someone's talking beyond the fuzzy head feeling I feel with this. So its extremely annoying when I have to do this to find non genuine people. Hence why the proportion of efforts leaning to rehabilative/normal range/strength focus therein ON Spine & Traps.

...Still progressing along to get my ability back to doing this Swan 
range again, but getting there SLOWLY LOL

Luv U all all the best with your training & mastery efforts :p XxX

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