28 Apr 2013

April 2013 Chest Day... Meso 02

Mesocycle 02
Training Split B (Current)

The volume of this Training split is ridiculous. But I not only have to train what I can train to pre collusion (aesthetic) standard, but I also have to

train/rehabilitate light load through all of major/minor muscle groups until normal function/range resides. I'm unable to engage fully in life with physical restrictions so Rehabilitation is my other full-time job. Once rehabed/fully recovered what can be, I'll be able to apply a normal training split, freeing up 4 hours out of my daily split (Currently 7 hours daily split). There's major impact & rationale for modifications in training, which includes daily light alignment/uni-lateral delivery. Impact on all training comes from the following; 
  1. Long-term (Previously untreated) Whiplash C1/C2 (Spinal Axel/Neck)
  2. Bruised Right Tib/Fib/Knee cap lateral aspect (Bone edemia's still showing on MRI 1 year later) 
  3. Operated Right Hip joint/Leg (Superior/Anterior Lateral aspects) major reconstruction sutures/roped ligaments with permanent loss of a critical ligament (Ligamentum Teres) currently 5 months into recovery/healing from surgical intervention.

B Training Split Sometimes performed with an Hour break in the middle...

  1. Abs Upper focus
  2. Abs Lower focus
  3. Abs Obliques focus
  4. Rotator Cuff Group
  5. Delts Medial portion focus
  6. Delts Anterior portion focus
  7. Tris
  8. Chest
  9. Posterior Core Group Spinae/QL focus
  10. Gluteals
  11. Hamstrings
  12. Quadriceps

In more Detail...

1. Abs Upper focus 12 sets x 10 kg

x 100's Reps  (Modified Pilates 100's on Flat bench, still rehabilitating strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg supine strength balance/alignment/pressure) Bench Cobra Stretch between Sets

2. Abs Lower focus 12 sets x 20 kg

x 30 Reps (Modified Reverse tuck Crunches on Flat Bench, still rehabilitating strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg supine strength balance/alignment/pressurePsoas Flexion Stretch between Sets

3. Abs Oblique focus 12 sets x 15 kg

x 30 Reps (Standing cable Gironda's pull, still rehabilitating strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg standing strength balance/alignment/pressureStanding Triangle Stretch between Sets

4. Rotator Cuff Group 12 sets x 10 kg

x 15 Reps (Standing Dble & Uni Cuff outsstill rehabilitating bi strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg standing strength balance/alignment/pressureCow Stretch between Sets

5. Delts Medial portion focus 12 sets x 5 kg 

x 10 Reps (Standing Dble & Uni Lateral Raises, still rehabilitating bi strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg standing strength balance/alignment/pressureShoulder Stretch Straight Arm between Sets

6. Delts Anterior portion focus 12 sets 10 kg
x 10 Reps (Alternating Arny & Dble Scott Dumbbell Presses, still rehabilitating bi strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg sitting/op hip forward flexion strength balance/alignment/pressureShoulder Stretch Bent Arm between Sets

7. Tris 12 sets 25 kg & 10 kg
x 10 Reps (Overhead Dble Rope Cable Extensions & Standing Uni Tri Kickbacks, still rehabilitating bi strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg standing/op hip forward flexion strength balance/alignment/pressureOverhead Tri Rope pull Stretch between Sets

8. Chest 12 sets Oly bar 20 kg 

x 15  Reps Extremely light (Pec Dec machine & Chest Press Incline (Balance incline needs to be acquired Incline before working Supine) still rehabilitating strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg supine/seated strength balance/alignment/pressureChest Clasp Stretch between Sets

9. Posterior Core 12 sets Oly bar 

x 15 Reps (In cage - Good Mornings, still rehabilitating bi strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg/hip standing flexion/extension strength balance/alignment/pressure) Standing Leg Wrap Stretch between Sets

10. Gluteals 12 sets 5 kg

x 15 Reps (Donkey Kicks, still rehabilitating bi strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg/hip prone flexion/extension strength balance/alignment/pressurePelvis strength/alignment still majorly off/uneven Childs Stretch between Sets

11. Hamstrings 12 sets 15 kg

x 15 Reps (Prone Uni Leg Curls, still rehabilitating bi strength balance/range due to limits from Whiplash C1/C2 & op leg/hip prone flexion/extension strength balance/alignment/pressurePelvis strength/alignment still uneven Standing Uni Hurdle Straight leg Stretch between Sets

12. Quadriceps 12 sets 15 kg

x 15 Reps (Seated Uni Leg Extensions, still rehabilitating bi strength balance/range due to limits from Tib/Fib/Knee cap Bone Bruising & op leg/hip prone flexion/extension strength balance/alignment/pressureMRI results from earlier this month still indicate Ti/fib/knee cap lateral aspect bruising from collusion March 2012 Standing Flamingo Stretch between Sets

Other Training for today...

  • Upright Indoor Cycling (Modified for Rehab/Progressing range)
  • Ballet Prep (Modified for Rehab/Progressing range)
  • Ballet Centre (Minus all Plies until can achieve Neutral Pelvis in Pronated Donkey Kicks)
  • Ballet Core Range Strength (Modified for Rehab/Progressing range)
  • Yoga Cobras, Triangles, Warriors, Wraps (Extreme Asanas avoided & application is modified to Sporting Exercise application with no Asana flow/Yoga practice)
  • Pilates alignment (Matt work only - Modified for Rehab/Progressing range)

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