Re-attain my full Pilate's Instruction Capability
Long term Goal 1 Pilate's
To re-attain Pilate's full instructor Demonstrative
Capability & skill /co-ordination BACK post Op/throughout & Post Rehabilitation, whilst using approved modification at first, incrementally to full practice, which will also help wherein possible to;
- Contain/limit further injury/resulting degeneration
- Prep for/rehabilitate post surgery
- Supply critical measure & avenue of normal restored structure & range during & after rehabilitation
- Salvage the Pilate's instructors component of my business "Fuerza International"
1) Pilate's instructor Revision to refresh (Theorem)
- Fundamentals
- Centering techniques;
- Constructive Rest
- Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Pilate's Imprinting
- Stress Reducing Exercises
- Pilate's Principles;
- Neutral Spine Position
- Breathing in Pilate's
- Pilate's Powerhouse
- Modified app of Exercises
- Pilate's Stance
- Shoulder Stability
- Pilate's C-curve
- Stretching and Increasing Flexibility with Pilates
- All from Matt work to wunda chair to table/trapeze & reformer
- Use of Pilates equipment including balls & Ring
- All from Basic to Intermediate through to Advanced
"Reformer Montage" |
"Please note under no circumstance may straight Pilate's be adhered wherein hip flexion or unsupported supine is utilized or abduction adduction whilst pelvis fracture isn't 1) fixed & 2) healed"
- Modified & approved Basic Pilate's
by surgeon/physio working to complete basics Post op - Basic Pilates skill acquisition & back into regimen/instruction
- Modified & approved Intermediate Pilate's
by surgeon/physio working to complete intermediate Pilate's skill Post Basic acquisition - Intermediate Pilate's skill acquisition & back in regimen/instruction
- Modified & approved Advanced Pilate's
by surgeon/physio working to complete advanced Pilate's skill Post intermediate
acquisition - Advanced Pilate's skill acquisition & back in regimen/instruction
- Old & New class & self practice combinations
3) Re-submit Pilate's instruction through IDEA USA (been at least a decade since :)
"Banding up Resistance & Proprioception"
Frequency, Type, Time, Intensity
Daily (Rationale is to use practice as active rest again as pre collusion)
Some at Home (C Workouts) & rest at city baths (Balls/TRx/Space/mirror is there)
10 to 90 minutes (From beginning attempts to advanced skill acquisition - depending on capabilities & progression)
Focus activation, alignment/balance of, proprioception & limiting compensation/s first, before focusing holds/duration & making line of pulls more difficult
Foreseeable Setbacks/Risks
"Wunda Chair Montage"
- Damage severity unknown will be evident only at surgery & chances of full recover diminishes with time left untreated & still surgery approval is being delayed by insurance body (they made 351 billion profit last year)
- Operative Complications
- Logistics due to being spread too thin in handling my own case, every time I have to chase an aspect of I take away from what I should be focusing IE. Focusing on coping with he delay tactics are employing opposed to actually dealing with the Trauma of the collusion & resulting PTSD.
- No family or support
- Finances due not being able to physically travel or work within safe & or normal capacity/s & insurance body not paying my gross self employed wage prior to collusion
- Pain & suffering induced by insurance body's actions & in actions
- Surgery I need to repair pelvic/hip to lower limb chain structural damage from being attacked using their road
- Care & services I need to prevent further degeneration/damage & assist with post Op success not being supplied by the Insurance company or in a timely manner
"Step Barrel Montage"
Foreseeable Benefits/Potential
- Flow on to immediate business Fuerza International Clientèle One on One & Corporate.
- If can get set up/recoding of pod casts of fundamentals, principle's, exercises & workouts.
- Given I get the surgery I need & make a full recovery/comeback, I've been leaning towards creating & opening an Alignment clinic in East or North Melbourne with a RAW food bar. Would look at offering apprenticeships for staffing esp crucial for the Aussie winter autumn where I'll be planning on staying in Spain/Gib Summer spring).
- Matt
- Mirror & Space
- Clear Wall
- Camera/Flash/Screen/Tripod
- Video Camera
- Editing Software
- Magic Circle
- Pilate's Balls
- Pilate's Chair - Wunda Chair
- Step Barrel
- Reformer
- Table/Trapeze
- Exercise Bands
- Exercise Ball - Swiss
"Trapeze Montage"
Coming |
Coming |
Coming |
Coming |