29 Sept 2012

29th Sep 2012 Day 4 Post Flouroscopic Injection

"Dreaming of flying away"

.. Today I also started using the

baths (gym after 3 weeks off) Although keeping strength where I can around injury, without exasperation is important Im full aware of the more I stand - the more the fragmented hiip & torn labrum swells, & have no idea how or when such will be treated...
Injections cant fix a fractured pelvis.

Daily Progress (4)
September the 29th 2012 12 lunchtime

Daily progress post (7 day pain diary - day 4) until I see the surgeon next Tuesday regarding the dye contras x ray pathology/results
Day (4) of, back on feet 

Day (4) after the "dye contrast anesthetic cortisol injection" into the joint capsule or break & tear.
anaesthetic which obviously wore off :(((((((((((((((((


Friday 28th  September

Range of Motion Pelvis/Hip Function

12 to 3pm

Joint not as airy (reversing cortisol benefit)
Anterior/Superior aspect of rim burning & pinching esp when sitting & picking things up again
(R) Trochanter Bursa flare swollen & hot 2 inches out still
Stepping forward without discomfort is back before planting foot down (R)   
Anterior to superior lax not in good way (R)
Gluteus muscles & Psoas are tight & knotted as a response to super lax sensation at anterior aspect due to cortisol (the bit of injection I was against – the area is already weakened from disuse & unsound structure)
Lower back (R) Psoas/Intra pulling lumbar spine out ward & down as result/twitching
Psoas aches like before again lumbar & anterior (R)
Groin burn back in full again & flowing down from pelvis to hip to lower limb chain including out to bursa (R) 
Pelvic rim anterior/superior now swollen from the site of cortisol injected 
Anterior/superior feels even weaker than before & lax
Lumbar back (R) really tight now & knotted 
Neck (LS) thoracic/shoulder blade (RS) tight as guitar strings again
Forehead muscles tight from tension & wont release 

Function & structure ROM same as before yesterdays procedure
Pelvic balance stability the same as
before yesterdays procedure 
Ability to weight bare – Normal Abduct Adduct (R) same as before yesterdays procedure
Ability to walk & normalize (R) side of Gait (R) same as before yesterdays procedure

3 to 4pm
City Baths - Trained some back & biceps, Hydro/SAuna, checked out lay of land for rehab goal setting - Important location away from work for headspace - but miss dohertys Flinders street badly :(

4 to 5pm

City Baths-                                                                          really hard to stand/good leg struggliing to carry load
5 to 6pm 

City Baths-                                                                          really hard to stand/good leg struggliing to carry load"Same"
6 to 7pm

Had to stand in rain on crutch for 65 minutes because taxi company driver not picking me up...
Was starting to get dizzy & was contimplating calling for ambulance because standing was making my hip feel like it was going to rip out... It was raining & chair had no shelter so had to stand in a door way whole time...
was soooo upset.... I js wanted to tram it home but my hip wouldnt of taken it.... I cried in the taxi trip home all the way... couldnt help it... I felt so helpess...
Im so useto being strong but feel as though an insurance company owns my soul & wont let me..
7 to 8pm
8 to 9pm
9 to 10pm
10 to 11pm

Saturday 29th September
Notes (4)

Range of Motion Pelvis/Hip Function
4 to 5am


5 to 6am
6 to 7am
7 to 8am
8 to 9am
So tired & hip aching bad, over it - dont know how ive made it 6 months like this.. Dont know how long I can keep going with no end in site...
9 to 10am
10 to 11am
11 to 12pm
Again I didn't want cortisol for it wont fix the damage but weaken already weakened area from disuse & neglect over 6 months. Ive got a massive diary that Ive been religious with & below is the excerpt (more info than diary's given couldn't hold)


Day (4) after "dye contrast anesthetic cortisol injection" 
anaesthetic portions worn off Summary;

  • Flow in/around joint capsule not as airy (reversing cortisol benefit)
  • Anterior to superior really lax not in good way 
  • My quadriceps muscle starting to tight through pelvic to hip to lower limb chain
  • Pinching when walk even with crutch, especially sitting down or on side
  • Lack of mobility/function, sitting/laying on side/laying on back/weight fully distributed when standing/flexing hip forward to take a step/forget adduction/abduction of hip - still not able to do as before procedure albeit not as uncomfortable when try
  • (trochanteric bursa) Pain Scale 6 still, 6 movement
  • (pelvis/labrum) Pain Scale 8 still, 9 movement can feel ring or horseshoe pulling front to side all else extremely lax not in natural way
  • (psoas/intra psoas) Pain Scale 6 still (tighter than a guitar string), 6 movement (rigid as)
  • Neck/shoulder blade back thoracic tightness from compensating gate/crutch the lesser of two evils :) Pain Scale 2 still (tight as hell), 2 movement (only due to tightness) massive improvement from my wonder hands physio & less with crutch useage/walking with
Although this is only a band aide this is a great indicator for what actually fixing the break & tear will do, which can only be done with surgery & great healing & physio after.

Now my surgeons got a great contrast, I hope that further helps his efforts. Although I know full extent & what it means to my full function possibility post op - wont be known until he puts a camera in there.. I at least for the first time feel a little hope to me coming back through this physically.. albeit with three nasty scars to fix.

Its a shame & disappointment that this has taken 6 months to be applied & noted. I could of avoiding allot of of further discomfort/disuse/degeneration, had the surgery I need & been finished with the acute phase of rehab by now. I have lost allot of income, business & severely impacted my career thus far. I'm even being robbed of my ability to spend time with family abroad for Christmas this year. It will take a year to get my strength & body back post op/acute rehab phase considering the damage isn't any worse than want we can visibly see thus far.

I will post the actual Xray contrast of joint next week & am going to post the results of the (secondary injury) (2) bursa trochanteric cortisol shots later on this week.



