5 Apr 2014

Thanku All & a Happy Birthday 38!

... Wow, I cannot believe I've made it to 38 ! LOL
A massive thankyou all for following me through this really painful and difficult time in my life journey.

... 10 years ago, haven't really changed much except for tan and higher cheekbones

Every Time I have a new follower, someone retweets, likes or appreciates a post it encourages every effort I make to keep true to my course. Within my nature to give and it's within my profession to give with ethical quality.

I cannot wait to do more and I promise there'll be a lot more coming :D Including rehab progress updates, FOOD FOOD FOOD, awareness of food/training posts what not, my marvel collection, thrifty DIYs, HAir/Skin and MUP (Many of you may not know this but I actually did a year of Hairdressing and my cosmetology cert in my late teens :D)

PS: I treated myself with getting my nails back for the Bday this week. It's been 2 years since I've had them after 10 years of always having them. I guess your value paradigm shifts when you have to learn how to walk and function again. It feels great to have them back though, like I've reclaimed a part of me back. This time I've gone stiletto with my nails though opposed to the American Square shape Manis I've had.

... Shalimar Fox when she was 1 :DD

... Thank-you, Don't forget to follow
In powerful health XxX, Some Related Post Links Below;

  • Chapter 19 My Post Collusion Journey 'Power to Loss and Back again' (Link)
  • Chapter About Fuerza Food Fitness Health (Link)

Kisses hugs lots of love and goodness to you all across the globe,
From both I and Sha XxX



