25 Mar 2014

Amazing H2O 'Water' How Much???

~ The ultimate Hydrator ~
‘There's allot of conflicting mis or incomplete information out there
about what is adequate water intake. Usually for propaganda/self serving purposes, ie Gov regulators taking short-cuts, Magazine Articles selling magazines or my fav 'Wannabe Nutritionist who have NOT done the time with Quality education and Practice - Usual born of the desire to build their ego at the expense and health of others' Sorry I know that sounds harsh, so let me clarify a few basics and facts about the estimation of water requirements (water only!) intakes for varying individuals. It does take a degree to learn how to calculate the later for each varying individual. Did you know? If your ever thirsty you're already 34% dehydrated which is enough to impact your mental performance by 74% and it takes the brain 'To register to your mouth anywhere between 4 to 8 hours to register and send the signal for this' More info below. Don't forget there’s more post Links at the end of this creation. Enjoy :D'
From Chapter 18 Hydrating Beve (Link)
... Some important facts;
NO1 - There is NO set figure/range for everyone....
NO2 - No anything with calories counts for water intake due to the fact water requirement is in part to metabolize food stuffs consumed. Hence why people find it hard to shed body fat when they don't consume enough water

... How is water intake requirements calculated?
By a Specialist in Performance Nutrition.

There's 2 main formulas (3 for athletes/performance/training) to calculate for an individual’s requirement.
- One for replacing fluids from hourly daily activities including sleep.
- Second to metabolize calories consumed which vary on an individual’s day to day week.
- Third is the extra manipulation used in sporting performance or even physique manipulation (Aesthetics for short term objective)

These formulas are used against individual statistic and activity data collected (which vary upon an individual’s gender, Body fat percentage, weight, medical considerations, history, consequent goals and lifestyle) I get data from one journal of activities done over 24 hours over 7 days. Again data is gathered with the same approach but with foods/meals tracked. When I have both diary's I then have to translate calories burned (based on the varying clients composition/impact ie BMR x the energy factor of that varying activity for the hour. Sleeping as an example is -78% of a females BMR requirement for that hour. I then have to calculate calories consumed daily with attention to types of calories (macro/micro) nutrients consumed.

'Then I can give a client a range of fluid intake which is lesser on non active days and sometimes more on eating allot days. These ranges obviously change when an individual’s compositions by little of 1% and or lifestyle. For this reason I usually calculate and re-calculate client requirements every 4 to 6 weeks with their diet recommendations. Albeit I only have half the maths and data to analyse the subsequent times due to have issued clients with re subsequent training/diet modifications. After 6 months there's is a definite pattern emergence for that individual. This pattern then gives my clients a set range that works for them for the rest of their lives. Often they will see go through this process once a year after that to tweak or iron out any red flags I see as a nutritionist.' Please note medications and injury/disease will spike water requirements for many reasons
... Personally
My ranges throughout my 25 years of Training at elite levels including a casual training period of 3 to 4 years Are?
Somewhere in between 5 to 7 litres DEPENDING on so many things/variables/and composition etc. Currently still am rehabilitating and still trying to walk without having to think about how, so my ranges are a little all over the place especially with the catabolic stress hormonal releases by the long duration of this state. The best average calculation for my current state is 4 litres daily, 3 minimum.

So the next time you’re given an average range does it stack up to a real nutritionist method to finding your range? Hope this has cleared some of the false cobwebs out there for you.

... Enjoy a glass on the house...
...Thank-you, Don't forget to follow and Share.
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