1 Oct 2013

Injury treatment update for Neck/Whiplash chronic longterm

Hey all sorry I've been alittle on the quiet with my blogs of late but the whiplash at the back of my skull combined with TAC and lawyer /treatment / impairment
proceedings/responsibilities has really been getting to me. 

I've pretty much had to hot pack my neck and skull every morning for a couple of hours to get some relief and the hips a little sore to walk on due to less attention being paid to it with rehab/physio  because of neck focus. There's only so many hours in a day :p 

I have had diagnostic treatment/consultation on the muscles spasm/ing my eyes half closed constantly feeding from whiplash pain triggers in neck. It was such a relief and real visible success. Wahoo can finally fully open my eyes without pain. But I'm now waiting on TAC approval of subsequent neck treatment based on this, to treat the actual triggers at C1C2. With the same approach from the same surgeon. 

Then I can finally stabilize and put my ongoing neck treatment to bed with the assistance of my physio. Should take a maximum 1 to 2 Mesocycle (4 to 12 weeks) to fully normalize muscle fibre contractile range and strength. 

I have been logging the diagnostic treatment and will do so with actual treatment of triggers/cause when I have that done. Whiplash is currently a serious impairment which costs us dearly with the impact it has on the ability to fully work or be without excess tension/pain. It is one of the major costs in impairment to the US at my last glance/investigation. It will mean allot to me if I could help others by summarizing and posting how I overcome long term chronic whiplash, with the right treater's/treatment and exercises/pain management. Once I have treatment and do post stabilization. 

I have an appointment for this neck treatment with the surgeon on the 11th of October... Just waiting on TAC approval along with the reimbursement for the approved consultation with surgeon cost I paid. Lets hope I don't have the previous issues with the TAC I've had for treatment Ie. surgery to fix breaks 10 months POST collusion/break.

On all respect my current case manager has been much better where my previous fell extremely short. Lets see. Just want my recovery to speed up wherever possible so I can have some of a life back before stepping back to my pre collusion life in full. 

... Thank-you,
Don't forget to follow
In powerful health XxX



