16 Jul 2012

16th July 2012 Home Beginnings The Attack The Fight now

My name is Nancee Rodriguez Castillo (formerly Nancy Wink) and Fuerza International is my baby which has taken 2  
and a 1/2 decades to create with background sciences experiences and my own training mastery obsession. 

This blog is... An informative resource space only for those who want to master their health fitness and limit disuse to live a full abundant healthy life.

The blog Index of 

The Power Fit Food Chapters

Recipes herein this blog... 

Are made over with Low/No Gluten, Superfoods, RAW, Paleo style, Veg high, Performance enhancers to Power Up and Kick Butt. I'm an experienced athlete and coach who is a specialist in performance nutrition.

My Personal Story and Set back to Overcome...

I was.. Born on the Rock of Gibraltar to the Castillo Spanish family, with crazy parents and taken at a young age I ended up stuck in Australia with no way back. I had no childhood really and have learnt to bring myself up and found my home and country in the weight room, the tennis court, on the stage, on the ice. Anywhere were I have full permission to dominate, conquer and aim for mastery. Hours can go by andI feel in that moment that - I'm home :) Ive been training hard since I was 11, first with horses and now at 36 Ive had a vast varied journey from Ice hockey to Tennis to building a sculpted bod and dancing professionally. Beauty inspires me like sunshine and I see/feel it in strength.

"My Rock of Gibraltar at night from the Spanish mainland - Yes I know laugh I actually was born on a Rock :)"
I came to ... 
Adelaide when first arrived in Australia and ended up starting fresh to set up after a failed engagement in Brisbane.
"South Australia Adelaide - my favourite and most lived south coast - Glenelg"
Its taken me a while to settle but this year it had just started to come together. Given my movement obsession I'm obviously a trainer (around 25 years now with 5 years off at one point) & have been prepping my body for figure early this year (starting with INBA April 2012/registered for IFBB back last year for October 2012) and this blog was going to start with healthy food makeovers this April after competing in my new sport. Although I was in great condition to start with it honestly took 2 years to build up my delts & traps to balance my Spanish ass :) 35 to 40 hours per week, with Strength and clean food being King.

"Yoga practice my religion, the ocean my soul, 
Strength my Achilles Heel, Obsession of Self Mastery"
What happened March 21st 2012... Has changed my life and given me the greatest and scariest obstacle Ive ever have to face and what feels like to be alone and unbelievable. So now this blog will go to its first intention but will be born from this harrowing experience which can impact the rest of my life.

But through it I want to diary my experience honestly. People usually see me as strong and a happy hard training committed trainer/individual. Ive inspired many clients through many things over the years. Being a Specialist in Sports Conditioning, Fitness Therapist Post Rehab, Specialist in Performance Conditioning, Dance/Yoga instructor, Mfs, Business Managing Director of Fuerza International. Anytime I needed healing or to cope with life's blows Id train harder and relax in the environment that let me do so. I felt indestructible with nothing I couldn't take on.

"Forgive me now for my brutal honesty in what my challenges present but
I feel if I get through this, I may one day help others even more so than ever before through my harrowing experience."

"Untanned back beginnings in 2010 to build into Figure"
Its weird, but the hardest thing for me to say without feeling outcast is that I'm not ok, I should of died this March gone 2012 but I didn't. Now I will use Food Fitness and Health and the love of Muscle to fight my way back (I should be going the next level as a competitor now not fighting through rehab). I'm not used to any physical limitations or psyche. I feel at times I have to excuse myself for having injuries or a disability unknown and like my body has been robbed and that I've woken from a wonderful dream to some weird nightmarish hell on earth.

Imagine training 5 hours daily most your life, including cycling 20 to 49 k daily, rising at 4am, studying your craft glorifying strength, inspiring others, reaching great heights, sacrificing relationships/social life for 2 years straight, and then whack. Someone has used their vehicle as a weapon against you.

I was cycling to work in Melbournes CBD on March 21st at lunch time on the Left Bike Path Elizabeth Street Just past Lonsdale, looking out for pedestrians. I was 15 minutes away from my destination when I was rammed side on with the Left side/body. The side of his vehicle contacted my right hip/thigh and knee simultaneously locking my front fork inside out onto his passenger door as if I was a dodgem car to be knocked down.
"6 months into progression 
- Back focused"
The driver was a Black Cab Driver. He saw me 20/25 meters back and when his path was clear he proceeded to chase me (I had left the bike box in front of traffic first when lights went green. I had no Idea that I was going to be attacked (I heard allot of beeping behind but being on a bike path with right of way on a non turning part of Elizabeth street I new I was okay and it must be some drivers having an altercation behind me with each other). Boy I was wrong ( I would of been safer on the middle of a one lane road than the bike path I was in)
This driver had me boxed/blocked in to a Red 4wd when the lights were red when I first saw the attacking taxi driver 20/25 meters back. I actually had to squeeze walk my bike between them to get to the straight lane bike box and brushed my right hip past his car in which he had a delayed beep. Seriously?

Anyways, going to point of collusion NOT accident, he had to stopped his car after pulling it of my body. When he stepped out of vehicle, he kept saying in his broken English "You hit my Mirror" repeatedly.

What the? I was angry as hell, this African man with a gutt, shirt half hanging out, sticky tape around his glasses receding hairline looking me up and down like I was meat, with his sickening half smile, was excusing his reason for pursuing and deliberately ramming name for brushing past his bottle necked vehicle with a walk, 20/25 meters back.

I was enraged and said that was no excuse to use his vehicle as a weapon against anyone... He opened his wallet & tried to give me money to "Lets fix this" then tried to put my in his vehicle?? 

What the..

I was in shock and could feel blood drain from my body, the side of my knee looked like a split melon and I couldn't feel my leg or my toes. People are talking everywhere and

I have no Idea what the hell has happened and why.
"In emergency Ward - Released unable to walk, 
pale in shock without being able to feel 
my toes or all of leg after 4/5 hours 
of uncontrollable convulsions"
I was worried about my yoga class pupils wondering where I was and that I I would have to do some extra cardio without the bike for comp in 6 1/2 weeks now, like I was just going to cycle off to class and then train my 100set Dlet Chest Tri Routine with negatives..

Oh dear how in shock and irrational was I, all I remember was a pedestrian on that day pulling my bike fork the right way around, a cop asking me to sit on my helmet which I couldn't because I couldn't feel my legs, a lady arguing and ripping the driver to shreds in shock. people rushing in from everywhere, ambulance, blood, cold, cotton wool brain, shaking convulsions, stupid comment from an officer saying "that's why hes got mirrors on his bike to see cars coming" Good luck out cycling a speeding vehicle buddy!

In the Ambulance and Emergency ward I kept being asked why I was silently crying? (Really wanted to stop people smiling at me I was in agony and afraid of not feeling my leg or toes or competing/training again) It took 4 to 5 hours for my body temperature to get some 

normality and the tremors to lessen. My knee was 
x rayed /showed no break beyond soft tissue swelling, 
and was then discharged.

I shouldn't have been discharged and if they had MRI my knee and hip then, I would of been operated on and treated in emergency - for the array of injuries or at least have them tended to one at a time. But I was released and didnt actually get some of the major damage hip fixed until 10 months later November 21dt 2012. I went from being told the pain was in my head, to being misdiagnosed to fighting for surgery for was eventually found to be broken. Some of which was unfixable due to the severity & including loss of soft tissue.

I now have to deal with 24/7 on a daily/weekly, monthly bases, daily physical therapy, sports GP, Sports Physician, Sports Psyche, Specialist Surgeon, Lawyers, Insurance Company's, Physio, Taxi Directorate, Police, Soon police commissioner, Victorian Ombudsman at a later date, also had to get an intervention order against driver for stalking and harassing me after his company black cabs gave him my address and personal details. To this day the police has not taken my statement or recorded any of my injuries. They wrote I had a bruised knee on the report as the extent of my injury's.

"Left with Crutches"
"I use to love cycling commute minimum 40 k a day 
- I will never cycle/feel safe on the road again yet alone 
trust in the police ability to serve protect 
after ever again, even bike paths
 for this is what I was attacked on. 
I didn't fall off until the car was 
pulled off the side off my body leaving the handlebars 
buckled which a bystander pulled out for me. 
I heard and felt the crunch when the yellow chase 
rammed into my body"
"Impact contacted side of right hip, knee, ankle 
- at a force that twisted one buckle and pulled out the other"
The maniac is still driving/on the road/working as a taxi driver still - at that.. Police are still investigating 4 months later and still haven't made a statement... 

Police said they don't need to tell me anything or take a statement for its my word against the driver, I'm just a cyclist...  Trying to ignore that part for now for I need all my strength to get over my injuries now...

"Shalimar my fluffball lifeline and family in Australia"
People always asking how did I hurt myself (I didn't I was attacked I'm trying to manage going through a shopping list of horrors with each carrying complications and a difficult relationship to the other) 

This is the hell I know am determined to fight out off..... Sharing my story.... 

My challenges.... 
My hopes... 
My Experience... 
To fight back and come back even stronger................. 
To inspire others through my victory over massive setback/adversity...

xxxx Thank you for joining me on my journey.... 

Next blog (Rehab) will show my list of injuries sustained lowdown...

"I cannot wait to be allowed to live again"



